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Businessman pushes man off terrace of five-star hotel in UP’s Bareilly

A businessman reportedly pushed a man off the terrace of a five-star hotel in Uttar Pradesh’s Bareilly after an argument broke out between his son and the victim at a pre-wedding party in the early hours of Sunday. The victim, Sarthak Agrawal, who is also a businessman in the health sector, has been admitted to a medical college in critical condition.
A CCTV camera footage surfaced online shows the chilling incident and an altercation that occurred on the hotel terrace. In the video, the accused, Sanjeev Arora, can be seen entering the scene and moments before throwing Sarthak Agrawal off the building, the victim was seen touching the feet of the Sanjeev Arora.
Even after witnessing the victim’s fall, while others rushed to check on him, Sanjeev Arora continued in the altercation with another man, whom he was also reportedly beaten up by the accused.
Sarthak Agrawal, accompanied by his friends, including Ridim Arora, attended a party at the hotel. During the event, an argument broke out between the two, resulting in a physical altercation around 2am. Subsequently, Ridim contacted his father, Sanjeev Arora, a textile businessman, for assistance at the scene.
Video footage captured a tense exchange between the two groups prior to the arrival of Sanjeev Arora. Sarthak Agrawal was seen touching Sanjeev Arora’s feet, after which Sanjeev Arora seized him by the collar, slapped and subsequently pushed him off the hotel terrace. Arora’s actions did not end there, as he went on to assault another person standing nearby.
Sanjay Agrawal, the father of the victim, has refuted any association with the accused, according to the report. “Neither my son nor I know who these people are,” Sanjay Agrawal said.
According to a First Information Report, the accused, allegedly intoxicated, assaulted the victim without any provocation. A case pertaining to the incident has been registered under charges of assault causing grievous harm.
